little fox出品英语卡通版的《西游记》,画风非常好,相信每个人都会喜欢。这个西游记和86版的《西游记》一样,共108个视频,一集一个故事,里面的人物都是卡通版,看着特别有趣,妖魔鬼怪也没有那么恐怖。 这个视频还带英文字幕,高清画质,不管是启蒙阶段的孩子看,还是已经有英语水平的英语学习者看都特别合适。哎呀呀,楼主真的特别喜欢,还特地回顾了一遍,毕竟是我国的国粹经典动画,能有卡通英文版的对学习英语来说真的是大大的福利。 资源目录 Journey to the West 001 The Monkey.mp4 Journey to the West 002 The Waterfall Cave.mp4 Journey to the West 003 Subodhi.mp4 Journey to the West 004 Secret Formulas.avi Journey to the West 005 The Demon of Chaos.avi Journey to the West 006 The Dragon King.avi Journey to the West 007 The Land of Darkness.avi Journey to the West 008 A Job in Heaven.avi Journey to the West 009 The Peach Garden.avi Journey to the West 010 The Powerful Sage.avi Journey to the West 011 Trouble in Heaven.avi Journey to the West 012 The Bet.avi Journey to the West 013 The True Scriptures.avi Journey to the West 014 A Promise to Protect.avi Journey to the West 015 Tea with a Dragon.avi Journey to the West 016 Wukong Gets Tricked.avi Journey to the West 017 The Dragon in the River.avi Journey to the West 018 The Robe.avi Journey to the West 019 An Evil Plan.avi Journey to the West 020 The Black Bear Spirit.avi Journey to the West 021 The Monsters Friend.avi Journey to the West 022 A Very Strange Pill.avi Journey to the West 023 Great Protectors.avi Journey to the West 024 The Great King Yellow Wind.avi Journey to the West 025 Powerful Wind Magic.avi Journey to the West 026 The Monster in the River.avi Journey to the West 027 The Ginseng Fruit.avi Journey to the West 028 Wukong Leaves His Body.avi Journey to the West 029 The Magic Sleeve.avi Journey to the West 030 The Frying Pan.avi Journey to the West 031 Guanyins Vase.avi Journey to the West 032 Lady Whitebone.avi Journey to the West 033 Bajie Takes a Nap.avi Journey to the West 034 Tricked by the Princess.avi Journey to the West 035 A Visit to the King.avi Journey to the West 036 Tricked Again.avi Journey to the West 037 Missing from Heaven.avi Journey to the West 038 Bajie Tries to Sleep.avi Journey to the West 039 The Injured Monk.avi Journey to the West 040 The Magic Gourd.avi Journey to the West 041 A Trade.avi Journey to the West 042 Sun Kongwu.avi Journey to the West 043 A Visit from Laozi.avi Journey to the West 044 The Kings Ghost.avi Journey to the West 045 The Treasure in the Well.avi Journey to the West 046 One Thousand Pills.avi Journey to the West 047 Two Tang Monks.avi Journey to the West 048 The Scared Boy.avi Journey to the West 049 Red Boy.avi Journey to the West 050 Magic Fire.avi Journey to the West 051 Guanyin Becomes Angry.avi Journey to the West 052 An Ocean from a Vase.avi Journey to the West 053 The Man in the Canoe.avi Journey to the West 054 The River God.avi Journey to the West 055 The Monks and the Cart.avi Journey to the West 056 The Tiger Immortal.avi Journey to the West 057 A Guessing Game.avi Journey to the West 058 The Meditation Contest.avi Journey to the West 059 Scared Villagers.avi Journey to the West 060 Snow!.avi Journey to the West 061 The Demon under the Ice.avi Journey to the West 062 The Goldfish in the Basket.avi Journey to the West 063 A Question for Buddha.avi Journey to the West 064 Magnificent Silk Vests.avi Journey to the West 065 The Metal Ring.avi Journey to the West 066 Help from Heaven.avi Journey to the West 067 The Master Thief.avi Journey to the West 068 The Woman in the Crowd.avi Journey to the West 069 The Stabbing Pain.avi Journey to the West 070 The Star Lord.avi Journey to the West 071 Money.avi Journey to the West 072 A Surprise at the Fruit and Flower Mountain.avi Journey to the West 073 Two Wukongs.avi Journey to the West 074 Curious Ear.avi Journey to the West 075 Battle of the Wukongs.avi Journey to the West 076 The Iron Immortal.avi Journey to the West 077 The Magic Fan.avi Journey to the West 078 Tricked Again and Again.avi Journey to the West 079 The Mountain of Flames.avi Journey to the West 080 The **all Thunderclap Monastery.avi Journey to the West 081 Help from a Dragon.avi Journey to the West 082 The Magic Cloth.avi Journey to the West 083 The Melon Field.avi Journey to the West 084 The Sad King.avi Journey to the West 085 Fire, **oke, and Sand.avi Journey to the West 086 Magic Bells.avi Journey to the West 087 The Three Young Women.avi Journey to the West 088 The Priests Plan.avi Journey to the West 089 Many Eyes.avi Journey to the West 090 The Demons Plan.avi Journey to the West 091 The Demon Officers.avi Journey to the West 092 The Lion Demon.avi Journey to the West 093 A Problem for the Lion Demon.avi Journey to the West 094 The Elephant Demon.avi Journey to the West 095 The Raptor Demon.avi Journey to the West 096 Wind and Fog.avi Journey to the West 097 Bajie and the Monster.avi Journey to the West 098 Three Fights.avi Journey to the West 099 Squire Kous Vow.avi Journey to the West 100 A Terrible Robbery.avi Journey to the West 101 Arrested!.avi Journey to the West 102 The Prisoners Are Released.avi Journey to the West 103 The Land of the West.avi Journey to the West 104 The Tang Monk and the River.avi Journey to the West 105 The Thunderclap Monastery.avi Journey to the West 106 The Question.avi Journey to the West 107 Nothing Is Perfect.avi Journey to the West 108 Rewards.avi