little fox英语儿歌系列是一套精心制作的幼儿英语早教机构儿歌视频,很多经典的英语儿歌,适合3-12岁幼儿小朋友学唱,孩子们可以一边学唱歌,一边学英语。

001 Abc.swf

002 Alibaba.swf

003 All The Pretty Little Horses.swf

004 Angels.swf

005 Ants.swf

006 Apple.swf

007 AreYouSleeping.swf

008 Atisket.swf

009 Autumnleaves.swf

010 AutumnLullaby.swf

011 Baabaa.swf

012 Baby.swf

013 Babybye.swf

014 Balloons.swf

015 Beanbag.swf

016 Bearwent.swf

017 Bingo.swf

018 BirdieCradle.swf

019 Birthday.swf

020 Blackbirds.swf

021 Cake.swf

022 ClapYourHands.swf

023 Clementine.swf

024 Colors.swf

025 Coming.swf

026 CradleSong.swf

027 Cuckoo!Cuckoo!.swf

028 DaysoftheMonth.swf

029 Deck the Halls.swf

030 Did You Even See a lassie.swf

031 Donkey.swf

032 DoReMe.swf

033 Down By the Station.swf

034 Eentsy Weensy Spider.swf

035 Fiddle-De-Dee.swf

036 FingerFamily.swf

037 Five Big Dump Trucks.swf

038 Five Little Monkeys.swf

039 German Cradle Song.swf

040 Gingerbread Man.swf

041 Good Night.swf

042 Goodmorning.swf

043 Grandma s Glasses.swf

044 Ham and Eggs.swf

045 Hands Chant.swf

046 Happy Birthday.swf

047 HeadShoulderKnee&Toe.swf

048 HelloSongs.swf

049 Here We Come A-Caroling.swf

050 Hey,Diddle,Diddle.swf

051 Hickety,Pickety,My Black Hen.swf

052 Hickory,Dickory Dock.swf

053 Hokey,Pokey.swf

054 Home on the Range.swf

055 Hot Cross Buns.swf

056 How Is the Weather.swf

057 Humpty Dumpty.swf

058 Hush,Little Baby.swf

059 I Love the Mountains.swf

060 Im a Little Teapot.swf

061 If You re Happy.swf

062 ILoveLittlePussy.swf

063 Jack and Jill.swf

064 JimmyCrackCorn.swf

065 Jingle Bells.swf

066 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.swf

067 Kum Ba Yah.swf

068 Lazy Mary.swf

069 Let Everyone Clap Hands.swf

070 Lets play again.swf

071 LetUsSingTogether.swf

073 Little Bo Peep.swf

074 Little Cabin in the Wood.swf

075 Little Goldfish.swf


077 Little Peter Rabbit.swf

078 Little Snowman.swf

079 London Bridge.swf

080 Looby Loo.swf

081 Lullaby.swf

082 Make New Friends.swf 083 Mary Had a Little Lamb.swf

084 Moo,Moo.swf

085 Mozart s Lullaby.swf

086 My aunt came back.swf

087 My Brother and I.swf

088 My Grandfather s Clock.swf

089 O Christmas Tree.swf

090 Oats,Peas,Beans and Barley Grow.swf

091 Oh,Susanna.swf

092 Old Brass Wagon.swf

093 Old Gray Mare.swf

094 Old King Cole.swf

095 Old MacDonald Had a Farm.swf

096 Old Macdonald.swf

097 One Little Finger.swf

098 One Two Buckle My Shoe.swf

099 Over in the Meadow.swf

100 Pat-A-Cake.swf

101 Pease Porridge Hot.swf

102 Plum Blossoms.swf

103 Polly,Pot the Kettle.swf

104 Pop!Goes the Weasel.swf

105 Punchinello.swf

106 Pussy Cat,Pussy Cat.swf

107 Rain,Rain,Go Away.swf

108 Reuben Reuben.swf

109 Ring Around the Rosy.swf

110 Ring,Ring,Ring the Bells.swf

111 Rise and Shine.swf

112 Rock-A-Bye,Baby.swf

113 Roll That Ball.swf

114 Rosy,My Posy.swf

115 Round the Clock.swf

116 Round the Village.swf

117 Row,Row,Row,Your Boat.swf

118 Rub-A-Dub-Dub.swf

119 Sally,Go Round the Sun.swf

120 Sea Shells.swf

121 She ll Be Comin Round the Mountain.swf

122 Silent Night.swf

123 Simple Simon.swf

124 Sing Together.swf

125 Six Little Ducks.swf

126 Skidamarink.swf

127 Skip to my Lou.swf

128 Sleep Baby Sleep.swf

129 **ile.swf

130 Spring Arrival.swf

131 Take Me Out To The Ball Game.swf

132 Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear.swf

133 Ten Fat Sausages.swf

134 The Ants Go Marching .swf

135 The bear went over the mountain..swf

136 The Broom.swf

137 The Family.swf

138 The Farmer in the Dell.swf

139 The Finger Family.swf

140 The First Noel.swf

141 The Little Indian Boys.swf

142 The Months.swf

143 The More We Get Together.swf

144 The Seasons.swf

145 This Is the Way.swf

146 This Little Pig.swf

147 This Old Man.swf

148 Three Blind Mice.swf

149 Three Blue Pigeons.swf

150 Three Little Kittens.swf

151 Today Is Monday.swf

152 Trot to Boston.swf

153 Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star.swf

154 Two Little Blackbirds.swf

155 Under Spreading Chestnut Tree.swf

156 Walking,Walking.swf

157 We Wish You a Merry Christmas.swf

158 What are you wearing.swf

159 What s This.swf

160 Whats Your Name.swf

161 Where Do All the Daisies Go.swf

162 Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar.swf

163 Winter Cheer.swf

164 Yankee Doodle.swf


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